Learn about Corporations and LLCs in Connecticut
There are a few steps to follow in learning how to form a Connecticut LLC or Incorporate in Connecticut. The main steps involve finding an available name that follows proper naming conventions. There are a number of benefits to forming an entity and here are a few:
- Limited liability protection for the members or shareholders.
- Obtain an tax ID for your new business and begin to build corporate credit.
- Pass through taxation is available for both limited liability companies and S Corporations.
- C corporations are taxed as stand alone entities offering that pay taxes as a stand alone entity.
- You can easily transfer shares to other owners of the company.
- Easily sell shares to potential new investors.
Now that you have a brief introduction, lets talk about LLCs and Corporations in depth.
How to Form a Connecticut LLC
The process for forming a Connecticut LLC is easy and simple if you use the online system and forms provided by the state. In Colorado you will need to ensure that you are following these name requirements:
- The name MUST INCLUDE a business designation, such as Limited Liability Company, LLC, L.L.C., Limited Liability Co., Ltd. Liability Company, or Ltd. Liability Co.
- The name must not include any reserved words like "Bank" or "Banc" or any other words that are indicative of regulated industries.
- You name must not be misleading.
- The name must be available.
Additional Requirements for Filing an LLC
You must have a registered agent address, mailing address, physical street address, member and manager information, organizers email address, and the name/signature of the organizer. These are fairly simple things that need to be provided to the SOS.
Form a Connecticut Corporation
Deciding to Incorporate in Connecticut is an important decision that will help your business to thrive while keeping your assets apart from your business assets. We went over some of the benefits of filing your CT corporation, so please review them above.
Naming requirements of Connecticut Corporation
The name of the corporation must contain one of the following designations: "corporation", "incorporated", "company" "Societa per Azioni", or "limited", or the abbreviation "corp.", "inc.", "co.", "S.p.A.", or "ltd."
Additional Requirements for Incorporating
Here are some other items you will need to incorporate:
- An available name in the state, that meets naming requirements.
- Registered agent name and address.
- Total number of authorized shares broken down by class of shares.
- Mailing address & Business Address
- Email address
- Name and signature of all incorporators
To see all of the details, please review the attached Connecticut Articles of Incorporation
Connecticut Secretary of State Links: