Form a LLC in Utah or Incorporate in Utah
In Utah a business owner may register a corporation or LLC online, by mail, in person, by fax, or by email. If you choose to file online, this may be the quickest process and save you the most money by avoiding using a service provider. The process for filing either an LLC or Corp will be completed in a similar manner. For both, you will need to select an available name that meets the appropriate state laws for name reservation. Next you will need to have an address for the business, an address for your registered agent, and an incorporator or organizer to file the documents. There are some other details, specifics and laws that go into it but those are the general concepts.
Forming an LLC in Utah
It is an exciting thing to form a new business, and choosing the entity type of LLC is a great choice for many business owners. Your specific situation may or may not be right for this newer filing type, but you will need to talk to a CPA or attorney to know for sure. The name of a limited liability company must contain the words "limited liability company" or "limited company" or the abbreviation "L.L.C.", "LLC", "L.C.", or "LC". "Limited" may be abbreviated as "Ltd.", and "company" may be abbreviated as "Co.". You will need to follow the following name conventions for the ending of the business:
- limited liability company
- limited company
- L.L.C
- L.C.
- LC
- ltd. liability co.
- ltd. co.
You will need an organizer, a registered agent, names/addresses of member/managers, and a few other items. Here are the full instructions for filing an LLC in Utah and here are the Utah Certificate of Organization.
You may also want to supply the State with a stated purpose and duration for the business. Please note that most LLCs are created with the default purpose of being perpetual (last forever.)
Incorporating in Utah
There are two types of corporations that you can file in Utah, and these are the C Corporation and the S Corporation. Here is one difference:
C-Corporation : This will pay taxes as a separate individual from you the owner
S-Corporation : This type of filing will be a pass through which means all of the income earned will automatically pass through the entity to the shareholders tax return.
To file a corporation in Ut, you will want to do much of the same that was described above for the LLC. You will need to have an available and appropriate name with the following ending identifier. The name of the corporation – the name must include the words, in full or abbreviated form, “Corporation,” “Incorporated,” or “Company.”
- Corporation
- Incorporated
- Company
When choosing a name, you will need to avoid certain reserved words such as "Bank", "Banc" or other words that are reserved for specific industries. This is pretty obvious, in that if you aren't operating a medical facility then don't write that in your business name...right? If you do have a state regulated business then you may want to check with them directly to see what are their requirements for naming the corporation or LLC.
Utah Secretary of State Links: