Accounting for Business
For a business owner, one of the most important aspects is counting or recording of money. In order to be successful, you will need to track money flows closely. First off you will have a checking account that will most likely receive money, as well as checks to pay for expenses. This is the basic way that people can track money, and this is at the checking account level. But one main thing is missing from recording and counting money this way, that is the categorization of accounts. What you will need, want, and have to do is account for what is selling more, and what things are you spending your money on.
Tracking Expenses
Every business will have many things that they have to pay for in the course of running the business. There will be setup fees, supplies, technology, rent, and possibly employee expenses. Any time that you pay for a business cost, this is called an expense. These expenses can start to add up really quickly, and this can really affect the profitability of the business. Make sure that you are tracking your expenses closely, and one way to do this is by using accounting techniques. These techniques are simplified in the best small business accounting software Quickbooks.
Recording Sales & Income
Every business is different and they all will sell different products and services. There are some many small differences even withing similar companies, they are just unique companies. There will be different employees, products, services, prices, offerings, etc. But the one thing that they all have in common is the recording of income or sales. When sales are made this is recorded as income for the business. This income is made throughout the year, and it is helpful to know just how the money is made. When the sales are made, as a business owner you may offer incentives to sales staff to encourage more sales. You will need detailed tracking to monitor revenue generated for each salesperson.
Profitability is Very, Very Important
You will need to make sure that you are working to maximize your profitability. Profitability is really the main focus of the business owner. Profitability is the calculation of income minus expenses minus , and the leftover is often called net income. Net income is the netting of income and expenses, well there is more to it but the simple view. Here is a simple net income calculation:
Quickbooks - A Great Software for Small & Medium Sized Business
When I had my previous company, I had used Quickbooks for 10 years, and it was a great software for my business. I am a CPA, have a degree in Accounting, and it met all of the needs of my small business. Over the years, I was forced to upgrade to the Enterprise Quickbooks because we had over 20,000 invoices for the company. The Enterprise Quickbooks version will have up to 1 million list items. WOW! But don't worry, this software can be used for just about any type of business with many pre-built business types, and quick setup for your business. Click here to learn more about the offering of Quickbooks and how it can work for your company.