Form an Alabama LLC or Corporation

There are a few important business types that business owners can file in the State of Alabama.  The primary two that business owners will choose are the limited liability company and the corporation.  Both of these entity types offer the business owners limited liability protection from clients and creditors who may sue them.  This is of course if the business is operated property and separately from their personal assets.  This liability protection is one of the main reasons that people choose to go the extra step to file.

File an Alabama LLC

When you form an Alabama LLC you will do so by submitting Articles of Organization to the Secretary of State.  The articles must be complete and follow the laws that define registered agent services, address, business name, organizer, etc.  For example, one of the following ending identifiers must exist for your filed LLC:

  1. limited liability company
  2. LLC
  3. L.L.C.

Next, you must have a registered agent that is a person who will receive mail on behalf of the company at a specified physical address.  The articles will need to be signed by an Organizer or an Attorney before they are submitted.  Finally, you will need to submit to the correct mailing address and provide payment of the correct amount.

Incorporate in Alabama

Setting up a corporation in the State of Alabama is done by submitting Articles of Incorporation to the Secretary of State.  In order to submit to the state, you must have an available name that have the appropriate ending identifier.  The name of the corporation (must contain the word “corporation” or “incorporated,” or the abbreviation of one of those words.)

  1. Corporation,
  2. Incorporated
  3. Inc.
  4. Corp.

After finding an appropriate name, you will need to provide a registered agent address for your business, include the business address, mailing address, a description of the business purpose, period of duration, names of directors, and the number of shares at issuance.  If you want to see the form to file an Alabama Corporation, click here.



Alabama Secretary of State Links:
Secretary of State Address :
Alabama Business Entities
PO Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103-5616
Secretary of State Phone :
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